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Swiss File Knife 1.4.6

A collection of many useful command line tools.
Swiss File Knife is a software application that includes various useful command line utilities such as: file tree processor, binary grep, tree size list, instant ftp server, line filter, text replace, dupfind, join files, md5 lists, run command on all files, extract strings, detab, patch, tail, hexdump.

Find and extract text in binary files, list dir tree sizes, filter and replace text, run an instant ftp server, find duplicate files, join many text files into one, create and verify md5 checksum lists, run a command on all files, detab text, create hexdumps from files, trace contents of a tcp connection, find dependencies between files
, print colored text to terminal, locate commands in path, print last lines of a file, hex to binary, binary to source code, convert CR/LF, split and join large files.

Example: how do you transfer files from one PC to another? type "sfk ftpserv", and you have an ftp server running within one second. The same with all other functions: "sfk find" finds text within files - without long and boring index creation. "sfk run" runs your self-defined command on all files, but you get a preview of what would be done before the stuff is really executed.

Detailed help and easy syntax: wherever possible, there is a descriptive help text, understandable error message, suggestion for improvement. Options are written in plain english - it's no longer "ls -lRxtz -bnf" geek speak, but "sfk list -time -size -since today", commands that you can actually remember.

No installation: if you are working on many different machines (bussiness and private PC, notebooks, VMWare machines, helping someone under Windows and Linux) then forget about installing tools over and over.

No installation, registry modifications, DLL dependencies - SFK simply runs instantly, anywhere.

Swiss File Knife will make your daily tasks easier with the help of various command line tools.

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