Thank you for your response for this blog which made by me and my friends!!!
We are now planing to convert this blog into 1 website. But we don't have enough amount to open the website. We are going to use our pocket money for this work. But the amount togethered was not enough to open a new website. So please help us with Donating some small amount.
And we sure that we will give you more user friendly interface than this in new website.

Real Time player

Real-Time connects to a Real-Time server through the internet, or across a LAN
Real-Time connects to a Real-Time server through the internet, or across a LAN, updating your computer's system clock according to the system clock on the server it is connecting to.

So in other words, Real-Time is like a radio-controlled alarm clock.

Where the radio-controlled clock automatically updates its time display when it receives a signal through its built-in radio, Real-Time updates your computer's clock through the Internet.

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