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10-Strike LANState 3.8

Visual network monitoring allowing you to see your network's state at any time
10-Strike LANState is designed for Microsoft Windows network administrators and regular users.

LANState is a visual network monitor allowing you to see your network's state at any time. It displays network map and monitors devices' state (active / inactive) in real-time. LANState monitors shared resources, trafic, and notifies you on miscellaneous events.

10-Strike LANState is a program witch visual monitors your network.

LANState also contains many useful tools for administrators and users such as sending messages, shutting down remote computers, scanning hosts, ping, name lookup, etc. It includes a number of useful features for obtaining information on remote computers and doesn't require installing any client software on the remote computers on your network.

are some key features of "10 Strike LANState":

· Modeling local area network in visual mode and then saving the result as map with images.
· Monitoring hosts (ICMP ping and connecting to specified TCP port are supported).
· Obtaining information on remote computers: IP address, current user, accounts and groups, domain, server, operation system being used, current date and time, MAC-address, available shared resources, connected users, registry, services and devices, processes running.
· Monitoring usage of your shared resources by other users of the network.
· Monitoring load of your network card (incoming / outgoing traffic).
· Searching hosts by ICMP ping or scanning TCP ports.
· Scanning TCP ports.
· Controlling access permissions for your shared resources.
· Pinging any computer on the network.
· Retrieving computer's network name by its IP address.
· Sending regular and anonymous messages to any computer on the network.
· Shutting down and restarting any computer on the network (when required permissions are granted on the remote computer).
· Notifying on events by performing a few actions (playing sound, writing to log, running program, sending e-mail, etc).
· Performing actions on devices via the configurable context menu.
· Tracing routes.


· Network (NetBios, ICMP, TCP, UDP must be enabled in your firewall)


· 30 days trial
· 5 objects per map
· background ping disabled

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